Sunday, September 21, 2014



Patience is something that I believe is learned with time. Some people have more patience than others. I generally have more patience for children than my husband does. My husband has more patience for electronics not working properly than I do. I guess that’s why he is a software developer and I am working on my teaching degree. Patience is something that will help you in every aspect of life. I try my best to be patient even when it is hard. I have found that working with children the more patience and understanding that I have goes a long way. When I was younger and my three boys were little I learned real fast how I could get them to do some much more if I just stayed calm and relaxed and kept my cool.  As all of my boys are now moving into the teenage stage of their life I am learning to give myself time to regroup when they have a meltdown. I have enjoyed every stage of their life they have gone through. Each stage brings a new challenge for me to learn about them and in turn myself. Having three boys is challenging to say the least however I know God knows my strengths and weaknesses better than myself. I grew up enjoying the frilly girl things but would say was more of a tomboy. I always had more guy friends than girls. Girls cause too much drama. I like to just have a good time and relax and not get so worked up about ever little thing. With my personality being that way boys are definitely when I am better at. My best friend has four of the most beautiful girls so I get to spoil and play with them and not have to parent them. I just get to enjoy the fun girly stuff. I would say all in all patience is the best thing I have learned in life and continue to learn every day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it seems like you have your hands full. I like this post, because patience is important. Many people now days need to practice this, including myself. But I was mainly referring to my fiancee Jon. He has no patience what so ever. It makes me think, how he will be with our own kids when that day comes? Kids do take a lot of patience, I've learned. It seems like your doing a great job of it and keep learning on how to maintain it, which I think is the hardest part.
