Friday, August 29, 2014

Jung Typology Reflection

Jung Typology Reflection
Jung Typology is a very interesting test that determines different personality traits. I was very skeptical about whether this test would show any of my personality traits accurately. I went ahead and took the Jung Typology test and received my four letter score. My Jung results are Extravert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. In extravert I received 44%, intuitive 38%, feeling 62%, and judging 33%. These four are fairly accurate.  There was some questions on the test that I could have answered yes or no. ENFJ is described in great detail. It talks about ENFJ being for the most part outgoing, enjoys social situations, and doesn’t have any problems expressing their feelings.  These so far all describe myself. One part talks about their greatest satisfactions come from helping and serving people.  That is the most accurate part of the whole explanation of ENFJ. In the student section it states that ENFJ needs and is comforted by their lessons or classes to be planned and organized. This is very true about myself. I had a teacher in the past semester whom was pretty flexible on the assignments and due dates weren’t set. With all of the work being wishy washy it caused me great stress and I had a difficult time that semester. I definitely need structure to feel comfortable. Procrastination is one area that I don’t completely meet. I do procrastinate, however with important matters I feel the need to finish them as soon as I possibly can. Generally when I receive an assignment or task that needs done I continue to think about it until it is taken care of.  Know this about myself I have learned to get the assignment/task done the very first chance I get. I enjoyed taking the Jung Typology test and learning how my personality traits factor into life.